Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I didn't foul you

at CCCs a few weekends ago, i was on defense against a girl on georgia's team and we both were running for a disc. she attempted to go over me and catch it, but since i had position i d'd it and she just ended up knocking me over.

when we both stood up i went to pick up the disc, but stopped because she stopped me, looked at me, and said "i dont think that was a foul"

now, this statement confused me. she was not calling a foul, she was simply stating that there wasn't a foul, and yet since i was on defense there would be no reason for me to disagree with her because then it would go back and she would get the disc again. plus on top of all that, i hadn't even fouled her!

so i agreed with her saying that i didn't think that i fouled her. this lead her to say something along the lines of "i mean i think we hit each other, but that was after you had already hit the disc, so it was clean."

having never been told exactly what i had just done when it was not applicable to anything that could happen in the future by someone i didn't really know was confusing me even more, so again i just said "i think you're right."

she looked like she wanted to add more, but i didn't really see the point of this conversation so i attempted to find a way to end it. not sure how to conclude this discussion, i decided to fall back on my go to we-are-on-good-terms hand gesture: a high five.

however, in this case, i was so flustered about why this conversation was taking place at all, and she was not really expecting a high five at this particular point in time, so this interaction became me making a few confused and stressed sounds and forcibly giving her a high five.

this combo of sad/helpless/confused sounds and an unexpected high five lead into me just tapping the disc in because i didn't know what else to do at this point.

then we won the game, so it all ended okay.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Rec Basketball

this evening a few of my friends and i went to watch my brothers rec basketball game at Lincoln Center gym.

after the game, someone gave me a disc, so naturally i decided to attempt to throw it through the hoop. i hit the rim the first time, so after retrieving it i decided to try again. however, in my haste to retry, i did not see the man standing on the stage (in full view of the court and all of the stands) watching me shoot these frisbees.

when i shot the second time (i hit the net), the man jumped down from the stage and took the frisbee with him and sat down. content to just avoid confrontation i attempted to play it off as though the person in all frisbee gear was not the person who had just thrown a carolina ultimate disc at the basketball hoop. this was not a good plan, and was forced to get the disc back from this man who was sitting on the stage and was very discontent with my behavior.

i walked up to him to get it back so i could leave, but when i walked up to the stage, i didnt even say anything, and he didnt look at me and just said "you cant have this back"

i told him i had to go, and he said the only way i could get it back was if i was escorted from the building.

thus, i was escorted from the lincoln center gym during a rec basketball game.

so the next game, we decided to go big or go home and do body paint (and did not get kicked out/escorted from lincoln center for a second time)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

High Five Height

the other weekend i was talking to one of my friends mom's about her nephew who plays frisbee.

she was telling me that he played in georgia and was at club nationals playing on a team called chain lightning, and she asked me if i had seen him. i told her that i did see the team, but im not sure if i saw him because i dont know what he looks like.

she begins to describe him like "hes blonde, and hes very nice, and pretty stocky, and hes about this tall"
and when she describes his height she put her hand at kind of a weird angle at about face height, so i high-fived her.

shockingly, she was taken aback by the fact that i high-fived her in the middle of a description at a time when the desire for a high five was definitely not reciprocated.

i then apologized and said "sorry i thought you were going for a high five!"
to which she naturally responded "well, no...."

and then i listened to the rest of her description of her nice, high-five height nephew, with my hands behind my back.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


this weekend, in order for our team to make it into the power pool bracket, a certain team had to beat another. For this reason, we were intently watching their game. After a long fought point, the team we needed to win, won, and so we began celebrating.

this celebration consisted of cheering/shouting/making other happy noises, whilst hugging everyone on our team, or who had an affiliation with our team.

so i am making my way down the sideline, hugging people and making happy shouting noises. however, i get a little carried away, and i see some blue that is the same color as our jerseys right outside a little huddle. thinking that someone on our team is missing out on a hugging opportunity, i walk up to this person, shouting. however, when i get closer, i realize it is an older woman, in a blue polo and a khaki skirt and i am about to give her a hug while shouting directly in her face.

my face changes from excitement to "i have messed up and do not know you" very quickly, which i am fairly certain she noticed, but was polite enough to not say anything about... at least not to my face.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Lazy, Rainy Tuesdays

when i went to class there was a guy sitting on the edge seat in a small, fairly empty row. so as i go to squeeze past him (into the empty row in which he could have very easily sat) he decided that right as i was in front of him would be a good time to uncross his legs to make more room for me to pass, thus kicking me in the leg.

I then apologized a lot.

When i sat down next to him and went to pull my desk out from under my seat, he had recrossed his legs, and i accidentally hit him squarely in the hip with my desk.

I then apologized a lot, for the second time in a 2 minute span.

whoops. sorry.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Regionals (courtesy of a phlover)

written by phrances, in my perspective of what occurred this weekend:

This weekend was my birthday weekend and I was playing frisbee in the middle of nowhere Pennsylvania. During one of the games i was dominating my girl on defense. I jumped up for the disc and it floated over us. She proceeded to jump on me. We fell and she landed on top of me. She layed there for a good 2 mins. My coach was yelling at me to get up. I tried with all my might but couldn't because this girl i didn't know wanted to be on me. So i just waved my arms around signaling that I was helpless. After the three minute awkwardness she finally got up releasing me from the unwanted spoon.

Monday, October 3, 2011

My Key is Broken

the fob to get into my building for my dorm is broken. this, strangely enough, makes it very difficult to get into my dorm without creeping behind someone, or hoping that i run into one of the like 3 people i know in my dorm (including my roommate).

tonight i decided to get it fixed, but of course, i cant get into the building cause my key doesnt work, so i am forced to wait outside the building, that i have never been in, where my "community office" is, but apparently no one uses this door, and 8:30pm is not a popular time to leave or enter a dorm. so i am sitting, very creepily by the door to this building, waiting, until eventually some random guy walks out and i sneak in behind him, only to not know where on earth the office is.

after walking down the hallway the wrong way, i end up in the main lounge area where the office is, only to find every single RA who could potentially help me from all 3 communities taking a group picture and cutting up bananas and making coloring books for the blind. so i stand awkwardly in the middle of this group of people attempting to stay out of the way while at the same time trying to get someones attention so that i can leave as quickly as possible.

eventually someone notices that im not part of the RA love spirit and thus dont belong there and asks me whats wrong. so i tell her that my key doesnt work, to which she says "well thats not good."

i then fill out three sheets of information and get a loaner key and walk back though all of the RAs in their little party and go use my giant loaner key to get back into my dorm room and eat some cookies.

side note: tonight pleiades won its first IM volleyball game! yes. volleyball. was that funny to watch since you're all so awkward and gangly, you may ask. the answer is yes, yes it definitely was.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Monsoon Season Part 2

its now 3 and half hours later. im in davis. my feet are soaking wet, so i decide to take off my socks, but as i am in the middle of the library i decide to be polite and do this in the bathroom.

warning: if you wash your socks in a library bathroom you get weird looks.

warning 2: if you put on paper towel "socks" before leaving the bathroom, you get even more weird looks.
           -warning 2a: these paper towel "socks" will get too soaked through by the time you get back to your table that you will have to take them off and throw them away, which is awkward cause then everyone within viewing distance of you will be able to see you peel wet paper towels off of your feet and then they will judge you.

warning 3: when you get back to your table and place all your wet clothes, like socks and sweatshirt, next to you in the windowsill, people wont sit near you (unless they are your roommate, and will like you despite all your flaws).

ahh rain.

Monsoon Season Part 1

it rained really hard. like monsoon hard. ive never experienced a real monsoon, but if i did, i feel as though it would be something like how rainy it was today.

it started poring at like 5:30, i had class at 6 and thus left my dorm at 5:50. at this point the rain and wind are in full stride, and i am walking ankle deep in water across the street, my green frisbee shorts are now a darker shade of green and my gray sweatshirt is now a darker shade of gray.

so i get across the street and have stopped, under the overhang of davis, and must run to greenlaw. although this is probably less than a 100 yard distance, i am worried that i wont make it. i have decided that my umbrella is not doing any good, so i have ditched this. (note: this is an umbrella i found at some tournament and is already breaking due to the wind/rain.. silly umbrella)

i take a deep breath and start sprinting through puddles and in this torrential downpour, but i am wearing my glasses and soon become blinded, so i take them off and am now carrying a folded up umbrella in one hand and my glasses in the other, sprinting blindly in the rain.

as i pass the UL, someone calls out to me, but as i am currently glasses-less and sprinting through the rain, its hard to stop.. but luckily the 50 people waiting under the overhang of the UL get to see me do a very awkward "here is my hand holding glasses" wave at some faceless person...

i finally get to my building, and there are about 30 people waiting inside, watching me take off my dripping backpack and wring the water out of my clothes. in the bathroom where i dry off a bit more, some woman tells me "its raining hard out." OH, THANK YOU. I HADNT NOTICED. more frighteningly; why do you think i'm this wet????

then i walk into my classroom, where everyone else (read: all 10 of about 25 other people who braved the walk to this class) seems significantly more dry than i am, and sit down in a corner, alone, where i can drip and slowly freeze silently for an hour and fifteen minutes.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

VA Fusion Travel Call

at Virginia Fusion this weekend, i was playing offense and some girl on some other team was guarding me.

there was a travel called, so i went to pat her on the back to tell her that something was called, but she moved just as i went to pat her on the back, and ended up lightly grazing her butt. this in of itself was awkward enough for me, but to make matters more awkward she was like "did..did you just...graze my butt?" 

this lead me into an uncomfortable, short explanation of how i went to pat her on the back but she moved and then i said sorry quite a few times. this made things slightly less bad, but then she only face-guarded me for the last part of the point, meaning she never turned her back towards me, which made me feel bad cause i think i accidentally creeped her out...

thankfully the rest of that point wasn't too long and face-guarding is not conducive to repeating the same, butt-grazing, mistake twice... 

Lean Back

so when i was walking back to my dorm during busy lunch hours yesterday, i went to walk behind someone who was standing about one person (turned sideways) distance from the edge of the stairs into the pit. however, this is the only obvious/nonintrusive way for me to pass by this mass of people and get to my dorm.

as i am walking directly behind this girl, she chooses that exact moment to take a step backwards, directly into me, making my options either fall down the three stairs backwards into the pit, or hold onto her backpack so i dont wipe out in front of this huge crowd of people.

in true self-preservation fashion, i decide to grab on to her backpack and quickly push myself past her so i dont drag her down the stairs with me, and pass by her faster than i would without pushing off of her backpack.

when she turns around to see who has grabbed her backpack and shoved her in the opposite direction of the way im going i avoid eye contact and apologize profusely, hoping this will be enough for her to focus on her phone conversation and ignore the fact that i almost fell down three brick stairs into the pit in front of about 100 people...

You Chose Incorrectly

when walking down a path you notice someone else is walking directly towards you, but they are texting and not really paying attention. You are the only two people on the path.

You choose:
a. go right.
b. go left.

They choose:
a. go left.
b. go right.

You chose: a. go right!
They chose: a. go left!

You both lose. and since they are texting, they dont notice you until you are walking on the small plants to the far right side of the path even though the path is at large enough for at least 4 normally walking people...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


so while walking back from class today, i saw one of those people in the quad who are always trying to promote things, and sadly when i glanced up, i accidentally looked in his direction. which means he walked towards me to ask "are you interested in socialism?"

this seems like a trick question. am in interested in what aspect of socialism? like becoming a socialist? learning about socialism? defending democracy against socialism? leading a socialist uprising (which i am not prepared for, im far too quiet)? if you could just be a biiit more specific, sir...

and as i have no idea if this nice gentleman is pro or anti socialism, i dont want to hurt his feelings, so i just say "im good, thanks" which didnt really answer the question, but the confused look on my face probably made him realize that he didnt actually want me for whatever plans he had in store.


so the other night i went with my friend to go get a bagel for dinner at alpine, and i was in line next to this girl who sounded like she hadn't quite grasped the whole idea of how sandwiches and sandwich parts go together...

man behind counter: so, would you like any onions on this?
girl: ummmm.. yeah. one.
man behind counter: one slice? ...or like one onion ring?

at this point i have to take a step back so this girl cant see my reaction and i stop listening for fear of laughing too loudly directly in this girls face.

secretly i was hoping he would just put an entire, uncut onion in the middle of this sandwich and give it to her, but i suppose customer service is important if you want to keep your job or something...

Are You With The Bunny?

so at the labor day tournament in CA all of the teams dressed up as different themes, and one team went as rabbits (no, not bunnies. although they seem identical when the costume consists of wearing bunny ears and a tail, when i asked one of them if she was a bunny she became very defensive and said that she was a rabbit. when i asked her a few minutes later who thought of the idea to go as bunnies, i was reminded again that bunny costumes and rabbit costumes are not the same).

anyway, on our way back to one of our rental houses, and some girl in a RABBIT costume was standing outside crying.

so we get back to our house, and we're all just hanging around and talking and making some food and things, when the rabbit who was crying outside walks into the kitchen also and starts talking to one of the guys in the house. i am a bit confused, as i didnt think anyone on our team knew any bunnies from california.

a few minutes later, i walk out on to the porch and am talking with a few people, one of whom is the guy that the rabbit seems to know. determined to get to the bottom of this i ask him "did you bring the bunny back with you? im pretty sure i saw her outside crying and i didnt..." at this point, the bunny starts to walk outside so i stop talking. the guy i was asking this question to turns to her and says "hey babe" and kisses her, at which point i realized a few things:

1. i called her a bunny again.
2. these two people are dating
3. she was most likely crying because of something he did
4. i should probably never talk to either of these people again.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Laundry Time

so i was walking down our hallway with my roommate on our way to do laundry. she forgot her onecard (money for laundry) so i waited while she went back to our room to go get it.

when the amount of time that i thought it would take her to walk to our room and back had elapsed and i heard footsteps i didnt bother to look up and see who it was, i just started talking to these footsteps and started to walk down the hall with them, since we were going to go do our laundry together, we should be going in the same direction!

about halfway through my sentence (which was "im debating whether or not i want to just go ahead and...") i decided to look up, at which point, i realized that i was not actually talking to my roommate, i was walking with and talking to a random girl walking down the hallway. so i trailed off really slowly, and looked around the hallway to see if anyone else had witnessed this. thankfully, this girl felt as awkward as i did and avoided eye contact when i looked up.

ah, dorm lyfe.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Meet and Greet in Spanish

whilst introducing ourselves in spanish class today, we split up into groups of 3 where we would ask each other questions to get to know each other.. sooo

dude (in spanish): "so, what are your other hobbies besides playing frisbee?"
me (in spanish) : loooong pause "......nothing, really....."
dude: *judging look, followed by awkward silence, where we all tried to think of random questions to change the subject away from my very one-dimensional life; and since i left him absolutely nothing to ask me any follow up questions about*

i probably have the most boring life ever in the eyes people who don't play frisbee.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Meeting New Hall Mates

so i had just come back from doing a workout and i was walking down my hall, and the room next to me has about 20 guys and girls just standing in it, talking. being me, i gave them all an awkward head nod/half smile thing and walked into my room, where i got a towel and soap and shampoo and things so i could shower.

when i walk out and by the room again this girl stops me and is like "hey!!" so i was like "hey..." and then she looks at me--i am super sweaty and carrying my towel and shower things--and proceeds to ask me "do you live on this hall?", i just walked into the room right next to you, stole a towel, soap and shampoo and am going to nonchalantly take a shower in this dorm where i don't live, nbd... "yeah, i do"

"thats so cool!! i live right down the hall i'm diana" and then she looked at me like she wanted to shake my hand, but then realized that i was holding a towel cause it wasn't exactly the most ideal time to have a "welcome to the dorm" conversation so she sort of looked at me awkwardly as i hesitantly said my name really slowly.

meanwhile, the whole room full of people is silently listening to my answers to this girl, and after this last exchange they are all staring at both of us as we decide what to do next.

after a moment of awkwardly staring at each other im like "well im gonna go take a shower now, since i should probably do that.." and i sort of wave my soap and shampoo as a good bye to the whole room of people who sort of wave bye to me also..

im really looking forward to more interactions with people who think its not awkward to stop someone on their way to the shower and ask them lots of questions in front of large groups of strangers. should be a good year.

Krispy Kreme and Airports

carrying 2 boxes of 2 dozen donuts around an airport gets you very weird looks and awkward comments from TSA agents about "carrying precious cargo with you on your flight today, huh?" and "you gonna eat all of those??" as well as many judgmental stares.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Cars and Stoplights

so yesterday i was driving through campus and i stopped at a stoplight. the passenger of the car next to me looked over at the same time that i did and we made eye contact. and i looked away, but then i realized that it was one of my friends older sisters.

and so we both looked back again and smiled and waved really excitedly at each other, and im pretty sure that she mouthed "how are you?" but i wasnt 100% sure so i kind of just grinned at her some more.

but then we were sort of stuck cause both of our windows were up and we had already exhausted all of our communication as we had already waved and smiled, plus the light was still red and we dont really know each other well enough to make it not awkward.

so then i pretended to be fascinated with the view out the other side of the car and notice nonexistent spots and things on the ceiling of my car. which might have only made things worse, but thankfully the light turned green and i could then be a good driver and focus very very hard on the road and not the car next to me.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

World Cup

so a few weeks ago, i was driving home on the sunday of the world cup final, and so i missed watching it. thankfully, one of my friends dvr'd it, and so i made plans to meet someone else (who had also not seen the game) at the person who had dvr's house.

for this particular event i was actually on time (rare occasion, i know. mark your calendars) to meet my friend there, and she was running a bit late, so i decided to just let myself in, which is normally ok.

however, when i walk in the couch that is normally just a couch is now a sleeper sofa. im like hmm thats strange, but no one was on the bed, so im wasnt really concerned with anything being too awkward too quickly. then the dog greets me and so i start talking to the dog the way people talk to animals that makes them sound really stupid, but im sure animals appreciate it... then the dog walks away towards the other side of the sofa, where there is a mattress on the ground that i hadnt noticed before.

there was someone on this mattress. i did not notice this person until now cause he was still sleeping very quietly, but since i got the dog all excited it woke him up. he doesnt live in the house, i do not recognize him, so i decide that hiding behind the entryway of the house which is just out of eyesight if he decides to get up, is a great thing to do in this situation.

while standing/hiding/pretending to look like i belong in this small area of this house that i just walked into, one of the other people who also lives there (and is going to help us with the dvr) comes down the stairs and sees me hiding and says "oh hey, how are you?" which i use as a valid invitation to sit on the couch that is not a sleeper sofa.

at this point, some random dude who also doesnt live in the house, walks out from the bathroom around the corner and after making eye contact with me and not saying anything despite my super subtle head nod, goes to wake up his friend who is sleeping. they then argue a bit about waking up and things like when they have to leave to drive back and if they want biscuits for breakfast. i am still sitting on the couch. they start to pack up. i am still sitting on the couch. we have not acknowledged each other, even though one dude is packing his bag on the floor at the other side of this 4 foot long couch... and this continues for like 4 or 5 minutes, where they are packing up their frisbee things and clothes and such and i am still sitting silently on this couch to see if an opportunity to introduce myself arises, which it does not.

after 5 minutes of eye contact avoidance and pretending to be very interested in the wall and cabinet to my right while looking through my entire contact list to appear as though im texting and am therefore very popular and dont have time to introduce myself to random people in a living room that is not in my house, my friend who i was supposed to meet shows up. and the two guys who i have not introduced myself to, nor have attempted to introduce themselves to me, leave.

then i start talking to my friend, and am reassured that i do exist, and have not blended in with the couch so well that they genuinely didnt see me sitting there and thus it was not strange that the three of us have just spent a fair amount of time in a room alone without talking at all.

it was great letting myself into this house that isnt mine, accidentally waking you up with the dog, listening to your stupid argument, and then watching you pack, random strangers!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dogs and Parents

so a few days ago i was at a friends house eating dinner with some people and i heard her mom come back in from walking the dog.

and i look into the kitchen and i think i see her mom, in a black sweater, walk into the kitchen super hunched over, perhaps about to clean the floor, and then i do a double take and i realize that it is actually the dog and not her mom who has walked into the kitchen.

then her mom comes into the kitchen and i am laughing because i think i am so stupid for thinking that her mom was the dog, and while im laughing i say "hi, i thought you were the dog for a moment!"

she does not think this is funny. i stop laughing.


so today i overheard some parents i didnt know very well talking at YCC practice--what i heard "yeah, no one knows where he's buried, it just adds to the mystery..."

i asked if they were talking about Blackbeard... they were talking about Moses.

that is what i get for attempting to interject into a conversation..

Friday, July 8, 2011

Parking Garages

so the other day i was pulling into the parking garage by hooker field and i went to go park in the downstairs part since it was closer to where i wanted to go.

im pulling into the spot (there is only one other car in the whole lower part of the parking deck and its parked like 2 spots over from where im parking) and i forget that there are no barriers that stop your tires between the spots and the wall..

so i inch my way into the spot until i run into the wall, and being all enclosed and things it is super loud and echo-y. at this point i realize there is no barrier thingy that stops my tires.

i then back out a bit and fix my parking job and look over at the only other car in the lot hoping by some chance that they have their music really loud or were shouting at each other or some atomic bomb went off in their car and they didnt hear anything.

sadly, the person in the car has stopped mid-apple sauce spoonful while feeding her small child and they are both staring at me, and continued to stare as i left the parking deck.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Rain and Lowes

so yesterday it was raining and i went to Lowes with a friend. i had just run from the car to the covering outside the door and i was taking off my glasses to dry them off, as glasses and rain dont go well together.

and so i look up as im cleaning off my glasses and this old man and i make eye contact and he starts laughing at me.

i dont think anything about cleaning my glasses is particularly funny so i assume that something else is wrong with me so i look down and everything appears to be normal, so i look back up again, and hes still laughing at me.

not knowing what to do i just give him an awkward smile and walk into the store reallly slowly, which probably didnt help my attempt at looking normal or stop him laughing...

Buy You a Drank

so the other day i was at Bskis with a few friends after playing some frisbee golf. cool thing about Bskis right now is that they have one of those super awesome new drink machines with like "100 different types of soda" and have named it something that seems hip like "coca-cola freestyle."

so all my friends have bought sodas and are deciding what to get, and im watching, since its this kinda cool touch screen thing and its pretty cool to watch.

this dude standing next to me also thought it was pretty cool, and then he decided to film people making their decisions of soda. ( similar to this guy only louder and more excited. ps. its like 1am at this point) so i am standing watching him film my friends make their drink choices and then he turns to me and is like "why arent you getting anything??"

not really expecting this person who is filming strangers choose sodas to talk to me i mumble bunch of excuses, one of which being that i dont have my wallet. so he stops filming for a moment to take out his wallet and is like "heres 2 dollars!" and tries to hand me 2 dollars.

i feel kind of uncomfortable with some random dude waving 2 dollar bills at me in the middle of a restaurant so i keep trying to respectfully decline this offer. also, all of my friends have sat down at this point. however, he wont take no for an answer, so he walks up to the counter and buys me a fountain drink.

so i am standing alone in front of this drink machine, in the middle of this restaurant feeling very strange about this whole thing while some dude buys a fountain drink for me so that i too can experience the magic that is the coca-cola freestyle drink machine.. he then proceeds to tell me to "choose something interesting like cherry vanilla strawberry raspberry sprite" and films me decide what i want.

but i didnt really want something like cherry vanilla strawberry raspberry sprite, i just wanted root beer, which he seemed slightly disappointed by, and then he stopped filming and left.

and thus, i was bought a drink at Bskis by a strange man at 1am.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Phones and Windows

so i was in my car driving around my neighborhood with my windows down when i got a phone call.

i was looking out the window at some person walking by as i answered, and when i said hey to the person on the phone, the person walking next to my car smiled and waved and said hey back.

i kind of gave her a weird look then realized that she thought i was talking to her, so i then tried to wave to her, but ended up fumbling the phone and not waving back at all and it was awkward.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


so i was going to my friends house and i was listening to a cd on my way there, and i got there and parked my car and such.

i liked the song that had just played, so as i was walking up her driveway i was singing it pretty loudly to myself since no one else was outside.

i get all the way up her driveway and front walkway (and all the way through the first stanza of the song)...and i look up her steps shes like "hey!" from the top of the steps standing outside.

and i jump and make a super weird surprised noise at seeing her and pretend as though it wasnt me (the only person outside....) singing loudly and poorly to this random song as i walk into her house.

Classic: Bed Posts

so one day, im napping in the room with the door open a crack and the lights off in the middle of the afternoon.

and from outside i hear someone shout "housseeeekeeeeeping" in a super duper southern old man sort of accent. so i of course am just like haha someones trying to annoy their friend or something so theyre pretending to be housekeeping.. great, ill just keep napping.

but then it gets louder and i hear, in the same accent, someone shout "bed posts!!" (which sounds like beeeh  pos) and i start to wonder what direction exactly this prank is going...

however, at this point, my dorm room door opens and two huge dudes with beards and torn jeans and such walk into my room. i kinda freak out a little since i was sleeping and not expecting anyone to come into the room and i have no idea who these people are at all. i also dont have my glasses on so i cant tell if i know them and im still half asleep and there are two strange guys in my room, so i just sorta of stare at them weirdly as they stand in the doorway.

after a moment of staring at each other, one of the guys said "i have your bed posts"

i didnt really know what to say, since my bed seemed to have all the bed posts it needed i just sort of agreed to the statement and stared, still trying to decide if this was some weird joke from two people who had walked into the wrong room by accident.

at which point, my roommate finally came into the room and took the bed posts from outside the door, and reminded me that at the beginning of the year we had asked for new bed posts, which i clearly had forgotten.

and then i felt kinda bad for staring at them so uncomfortably, even though they were bringing our room the bed posts it had requested..ha, good joke wit ma beeeh pos housekeepin' !

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Work Buddies

so yesterday i was in the grocery store with some friends and i saw this guy that i had worked with all last year and over the summer at the bagel place.

he was at the register and i was walking by and he and i made eye contact, so i waved. however, right as i waved he looked away, so i was standing with my friends waving awkwardly to the back of someones head.

at this point normal people would probably just keep walking and pretend like it didnt happen, but being sad that he didnt see my wave i decided to express my sadness out loud by saying "aww, bummer..." at which point all the people around me noticed that i was now waving to no one.

maybe he was pretending not to know which case, thats understandable.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Oh, hey

so today, i was walking with my family back to our car and i saw a girl i know hanging out with a guy on the way back. and i have not talked to this girl in approximately 7 years, and when i did talk to her, she didnt like me very much. i once called her and when i was like hey its me! and said my name, she didn't recognize my name even though we had gone to hebrew school and seen each other twice a week, plus hung out at random events for about 2 years together.

anyway, so i kind of stared her down to the point where we both were forced to acknowledge each other. but then we were that awkward distance where there was still a lot of space between our two groups of people, so we are forced to have an awkward interaction from a distance where we needed to have a lot to talk about to make it less weird.

but instead we have this:

her: "uh.. hey"
me: "hey"
loooong pause as we slowly start to walk past them.
me: "how are you?"
her: "good"
long pause as we walk all the way by.

we did not say bye. i dont think we really missed each other...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

HS States

so at high school states for frisbee, i was staying at a friends parents house.

i had never met them before so we are all being introduced and shaking hands with everyone else and doing other normal meeting things.

so by the time i go to shake their hands, they are both standing the same distance away from me, so i dont know whose hand to reach for first.

so i just sort of stick my hand out to both of them at the same time.

and so they both grabbed my hand at the same time and i didnt really know what to do since i had never met either of these people before today and now i was awkwardly holding both their hands at the same time while still trying to introduce myself to them.

and then i got laughed at a lot.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Cold Hands

so i was at a gathering of friends, and i was holding a cup with ice in it.

and one of my friends went to introduce her sister to me, and i was going to shake her hand, as normal people tend to do, but as i went to extend my hand, i realized that it was really cold, and that would be rude to extend a cold hand. so i took it back. but then i had the other realization that it was rude to not shake someones hand when being introduced. so i re-extended my hand. however, at this point, she had been holding her hand out for quite a while and had already determined that i was not going to shake her hand.

i then awkwardly attempted to explain that i was very concerned about the temperature of my hand, and didnt want her to experience cold hands either.

first impressions are my forte, obviously.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


so i had voicemail the other night. so i checked it. and it was, in a muffled tone and pretty quiet, someone talking to a pet or a dog or something saying something along the lines of "youre so cute!!! yes you are! look at you, dawww you are sooo pretty and fluffy" and such..

so naturally, i assume it is a butt dial from one of my friends who really likes pets, especially dogs.. so i called her back, and she didnt answer.

meanwhile, my other friend who is in the car with me is confused as to why i am laughing since she did not hear the voicemail, since it was on phone, and she did not listen on my phone.

so i start to tell the friend in the car why i was laughing and telling her what the voicemail said, as i call the home phone of the person who i think left me the message.

thus, as her home phone is ringing i am saying "youre so cute!! yes you are! soo pretty, soo cute look at you!" and then there is a momentary pause, where i realize the phone has stopped ringing a few seconds ago.

and this moment of silence is when i realize that her dad has answered and i have been calling him cute and pretty in a very weird voice.

the conversation was pretty short after that.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Holding the Door

so someone in front of me on the way into a building was holding the door for me, so i said thanks and went to hold it for the person behind me.

and right as they got within reaching distance of the door i tripped over the threshold into the building and stumbled halfway into the building.

coordination is one of my strong suits.

Monday, May 2, 2011


so this weekend it was regionals, and we made it to nationals (huzzzzahhh!!) but anyway..

we played UVA on saturday, last game of the day. and afterwards, they came by to give me a pair of sunglasses for a good game.

and i was really happy about this, cause sunglasses are awesome. so i gave the two captains who had walked over hugs and waved to thier team, who waved back.

and being me im like I WANT TO GIVE EVERYONE HUGS!! so i gave a general air hug in that direction, and someone said "go give all of them hugs!!"

so i sort of start to walk that way, and im still thinking YAYY HUGS, but then as i turn to walk that way i realize that there are like 20 of them. and this would take a while. so im like "nah, i shouldnt.."

so i turn back again. and then im like no, but they gave me sunglasses, thats so nice! and then i second guessed it again (triple guessed it?) and sort of spun in another circle.

meanwhile their two captains are still sort of standing there, most likely regretting giving a pair of sunglasses to the most awkward person ever, while i spin around and have an internal conversation about hugs and sunglasses to myself.

so then the two captains walked away and i ended up waving weirdly at the rest of their team for a second time. which went splendidly.

Running Into People

so i saw one of my friends the other day who i hadnt seen in a while (like pretty much a whole year). so we were just talking and such and then i had to leave, but similiar to most times, i forget normal things like "glad i ran into you" or "nice seeing you again," so i ended up saying "im happy i had to run into you."

and then we walked away. and it was awkward.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Study Windows

last night i was studying in the union, in a hallway in front of a large window with a few friends.

and some guy in his pajamas rides by super slow, texting, on a bike a little too small for him. so naturally i start laughing, and in order to point out this great happening to my study friends i point at him through the window and keep laughing.

however, he decides to look back at this moment, as i am pointing directly at him and laughing hysterically.

we made eye contact and i stopped pointing, and he gave me a mean look and biked away really slowly.

but it took me a while to stop laughing.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Outlets In Floors

I have tripped over 2 cords plugged into floors in 2 libraries in 2 days.

good thing its always so quiet in libraries so that when i make "oh my goodness what did i just trip over" sounds and stumble, everyone can hear and see this very clearly.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dining Hall Chairs

so my friend and i were sitting at a table in the dining hall, and behind us was a table of three people.

and at some point while we're eating, these three people leave, and 2 girls come and sit down there.

and we get up to go get some more food, and when we come back there is an extra chair at our table, and the table behind us has only 2 chairs.

so doing the difficult math of 3-1=2 and 2+1=3, i figure that these 2 girls just decided that they didnt want an extra chair and decided to just put it at our table. luckily, they were in earshot to hear our whole conversation about where the chair had come from, that it had very obviously come from their table, and they were probably really weird.


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Starbucks Door Holding

so a few of my friends and i were in starbucks and were on our way out. at the same time that the three of us were on one side of the glass door, a guy was trying to get into starbucks on the other side of the door.

so he opens it as we go to push it, and holds it for us. but none of us move to go through the door first for a few seconds, so he asks "going out?"

to which we all sort of nod noncommittally, and he stares at us weirdly. and then finally we figure out how we are leaving, and as im the last one out i say "thanks" and he was just like "yes."

and then we sat in our car and mapquested directions to where we were going and he left and walked by our car and we made even more awkward eye contact.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dean Dome Directions

so i was walking down stadium drive the other day on my way back to my dorm, and i was kinda zoning out, but this car with a pre-teenage girl and her dad pulls into a parking spot in front of me.

and the girl gets my attention, so i stop. and she pulls out a piece of paper and asks me how to get to the "Jea-Dean Smith Basketball Arena"

and it takes me a moment to realize what shes talking about, so i just kinda stare at her and her dad for a moment.

and then i asked if she meant the Dean Dome, to which she said that she did, in fact mean the Dean Dome.

however, zoned out me forgets where this is in relation to where I am at the moment. so i stare at the two of them for just long enough for all three of us to feel uncomfortable.

finally i remember how to direct them to get there from stadium, and i tell them to just go down the road and turn right and such.

and the dad asks if they can walk there, so naturally, being on campus without a car, i think this is a silly question-of course you CAN walk anywhere, silly, so i say yes.

but then he asks me how long it would take them, and having no concept of time or how long things take  im like i dont know, maybe like 10 or 20 minutes, which to some people is kind of a big difference, apparently.

so with that, i seem to have finished answering their questions, and they thank me, although they now look a little overwhelmed.

and as i walk away i hear the dad say "we should ask someone else"

yep.. its cool, ive only lived here for 18 and a half years so yeah, you should ask someone normal who will give you better directions.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Geology Giggling

precursor: a few weeks ago, my friend and i got in trouble for laughing in class. and our teacher was super self-conscious it seemed, cause he was only concerned with making sure we weren't laughing at him rather than the fact that we weren't paying attention..


the other day we had a little writing assignment at the end of class that was due. our classroom is designed where there are 3 rows of tables and the projector/teacher are in front of the first row.

so i get up to turn in my paper, from the right side of the second row. and since the teacher was standing on the left front side of the room, i start to walk around this long row of tables to left, and as im mostly there, he starts to walk back towards the right.

so i stop and sort of start to shuffle to the right, but then he turns back so i shuffle back left, and kinda flail my paper in his general direction so he'll stop moving and i can take the slowest path to him.

this image cracks me up a bit, so i start chuckling to myself, which catches his attention and he finally stops.

and as i hand him my paper hes like "why are you laughing? are you laughing at the paper topic? are you laughing at me? whats so funny?"

overwhelmed by the questions and the fact that i recently got in trouble i start to talk really fast and get all embarrassed and deny everything like "no, no no!! i was just trying to turn in my paper and you were going one way and i was going the other and then you turned and i turned but then you came back and i just wanted to walk this way but you were walking the other way and so then i just thought it was funny..."

and after i mumbled my way through this super speedily, he just stared at me for a little bit, and the 6 or 7 people still in the classroom stare at both of us.

so i just said "bye have a good day" and left very quickly.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


so the other day i went to the advising office for the first time, and naturally, i didn't know where i was going. so i walk up to the front desk and stand in front of the receptionist and wait for her to ask me a question or something.

but she doesnt. so i just stare at her, and get as close to the counter as possible, while she types.

and she just keeps typing. and ignoring me.

so i turn around to look at the other desk, but no one is sitting there either. as i turn around someone says "can i help you?"

so turn to look back at the receptionist, and as i turn i see two people sitting in chairs, neither of whom look at me.. but when i look back at the receptionist, she still isnt looking my way.

so i go back to staring at the receptionist, who continues to type and pretend that im not staring very intently at her.

and again someone says "can i help you?" and seeing as i was staring at the receptionist, i decided it wasnt her. so i start looking around this very small area for more people, doing two 360s in the process and glancing around, even at the 2 people sitting down, neither of whom motions to me that theyve spoken.

and finally, after looking at the two people sitting down twice and spinning around like 3 times searching this room for more people, one of them waves at me in a "you're-an-idiot-i-just-watched-you-spin-a-bunch-and-was-talking-to-you" sort of way.

so i walk over to her and im like "i have an advising appointment" and she just says "upstairs" and that was it.

people are super helpful.

(know what im sayin D. Rog??)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Shoes and Such

so this morning i was running a little late for class and so i was got dressed really quickly and went to walk to class.

on my way out i waved and said bye to the cleaning guy, who waved back. and then i got halfway down the hallway and realized i wasnt wearing shoes.

so then i walked back to put on shoes, past the cleaning guy again, who gave me an odd look since i had just waved bye to him, but did not leave.

then was a bit late to class.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spanish Seats

so every day in spanish class we sit in a semi circle so that we can all see the front of the classroom and each other.

this is fine when we are in class, but  when someone is a few minutes late, everyone can see them come in.

today i was a few minutes late, and i did a quick glance of the semicircle to see if there were open seats, which i didnt see. but there were a few extra desks in the middle of the semicircle.

so i went to go take one of those and move it near the door so i could sit somewhere.

but i was holding my sweatshirt and tried to pick up the desk at an awkward angle so i ended up dropping my sweatshirt and sort of fumbling with the desk and trying to readjust my grip and all these things that make me look really weak and uncoordinated in the middle of a giant semicircle of people who i have purposely avoided eye contact with to make this less awkward.

and when i look up for a moment, i realize that a desk is open, directly in the middle of the semicircle.

so i "put" (aka. gently drop since i failed at picking it up in the first place) the desk down, and pick up my sweatshirt that i dropped like 2 minutes ago and walk to the desk, with everyone still watching.

then, to make things even better, 35 minutes into class the person i was doing group work pointed out that some random girl was in our classroom filming, and had been since class started....

captain awk made a guest appearance in span 260 today, and its on camera. booom

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I Did Not Go To Your Middle School

so, ive had kind of a slow week of awkward encounters... but the other day, i was walking through the quad with a few of my friends, and i see a girl from my geology class sitting next so some random guy.

so i wave to her, and the guy sitting next to her is like "hey, do i know you?"

and im like "uhhhh, maybe?" cause i dont want to be wrong with this question and be like NOPE, and then find out that i should know him from somewhere very obvious, or say YEAHHH and then we have never even seen each other before....

so anyway, hes like "did you go to my middle school?"

and i was like "smith?"

and he was like "oh, well you look just like this girl who went to my middle school, and every time i see you on campus i think its her" which is only sliightly odd, when i think about it now..

so i asked him where he was from, and he said mount airy, and seeing as i am from chapel hill, we deduced that we did not, in fact, know each other.

at this point i think most people would have walked away or stopped talking, but i didnt..

so as we are leaving im like "i hope the girl i look like wasnt like a total jerk and i dont remind you of horrible middle school events or anything"

and he said that she was not a jerk. and then we left.

it was probably more awkward for him, but whatever, i can relate. a little.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


so my family went out to brunch today since it was my mom's birthday (huzzzah) and my dad wanted to know if they punched parking tickets...

dad: excuse me, do you punch parking tickets?

waitress lady: *look of disdain and annoyance* um. no.

dad: ok.

waitress lady walks away.

(unbeknownst to me waitress lady walks back)

me: nope, but i can punch you in the face!

(waitress lady hears me and glances as she walks by)

me: oops...

It is Really Nice Outside

so today i was going to go throw outside with my brother and so i walk out the front door of my house and i say very loudly in a kind of strange accent (perhaps an attempted small russian childs accent, or something along those lines) "IT'S REALLY NICE OUTSIDE!"

and normally, this would have been fine, but there is a normal person walking his dog by the end of our driveway at this exact moment in time.

and he hears me and stares at both of us as he walks by the rest of our driveway.

but it was really nice out!


so my brother and i went out to dinner the other night. and we got to the restaurant and i went to open the glass doors, and i couldnt.

so i tried pulling harder a few times. and this did not work.

then, i decided staring at them would make them open.

which also did not work.

however, the lady standing directly on the other side of the glass doors, who saw me attempt to open these doors and stare at them when i didnt succeed, was kind enough to barely push the door to open it for me (while making me look very weak).

so we got to eat dinner.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

You're Welcome Too

Me: Hi.

Dining Hall Lady: Hi, how are you?

Me: Good. How about you?

Dining Hall Lady: You're welcome.

Me: ...thanks?


last night, i dropped my glasses, but my roommate was sleeping.

and i couldnt find them.

cause it was dark.

and i wasnt wearing my glasses.

Classic Umbrella

so since its raining out today, im using my umbrella (crazy, i know!)

but one time, when it was raining, i was using my umbrella on my walk back to my dorm from class. my umbrella is super cool cause it has this button that you press and it opens, and then you press it again and the top fan-part thingy closes and you can push it down again and store it in a nice fun place.

so, i was walking back, and i was holding the umbrella super close to my head cause it was raining and i was cold. and i accidentally pressed the button again.

and closed the umbrella directly on my face.

but there were people walking behind me, so i didnt want to reopen it cause then it would look like i did it by accident (which i did...) and that would look silly.

however, i was only halfway to my dorm. and it was still raining. and that person was still walking behind me.

so i walked the rest of the way back to my dorm in the rain.. holding my folded up umbrella in my hand.

but at least i had my dignity?

Monday, March 28, 2011


so today in comp i was falling asleep. but i was in that state of sleep where my "dreams" are so realistic that i think they're happening but its nothing really exciting.

in this particular instance, i dreamt that the two guys sitting behind me were discussing pineapples and frisbee and i wanted to interject, since i clearly was an expert on both of these things (especially pineapple).

and as i started to turn around, i realized that this was, in fact, not a real conversation that was happening at this moment in time.

so i turned my half-turning around into a neck stretch, subtly.

(fun fact: their conversation actually turned out to be that one guy was talking to the other about his girlfriend. and i quote "sometimes we go out and im like we should dance, but she doesnt really like dancing, and sometimes im ok with it but i was just like seriously? you just need to man up and dance cause everyone else is doing it." ohhh, i will man up and dance, thankyouverymuch)

Reaction Time

in the airport, i was eating some chips and i dropped the bag.

but it was empty so it floated, and as i attempted to catch it, i hit it about 10 times without success and finally dropped it directly in front of some guy sitting alone who had just watched me fumble with this empty chip bag for about a full minute.

so many weird looks...

Wet Hands

at Centex, i went to the bathroom and accidentally left my phone in the stall. as i was washing my hands, the girl who had just gone in was like "hey i think you left your phone in here."

but my hands were wet, so i didnt know what to do.

so i decided that holding it in my mouth would be the logical thing to do, so i awkwardly took my phone from her hand with my teeth as a whole line of people waiting watched.

then i left the bathroom laughing and looked even crazier.


so the other day, i was running late for recitation in the morning so i decided to bring my breakfast with me. thus, i had a bag of apple cinnamon cheerios with me. i was eating them in class, but i dropped a few of them, which was sad.

when i dropped them, the girl sitting next to me kinda looked at me but i kind of ignored it. but then i dropped one in between my shoe and my sock.

not wanting to waste it, since i had already dropped so many on the floor, i ate it.

and she gave me a very weird look.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lock That Car

so my friend and i were walking along the sidewalk on stadium drive and some girl has just parked her car. and we are just walking and talking, and as soon as we get directly in front of her car, she locks it, and it beeps. twice. as we are directly in front of it.

and we both sort of jump and start laughing.
and she apologizes.

poor timing...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


good thing its so nice outside that when i trip on the uneven bricks walking to class, everyone sitting on the quad can watch and laugh.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Indoor Soccer

so during indoor soccer i was going to use the wall to pass it back to someone behind me, so i kicked it really hard against the wall, and it ricocheted off the wall directly at stomach height.

so naturally i shouted and stuck out my stomach towards the ball so that i would be able to trap it, but this looked so silly that i ended up laughing to myself a lot.

so im just giggling and playing defense on this random girl, who shockingly gets by me and my laughing fit.

Tours in the Union

so today i was sitting in the cabaret area in the union by myself just hangin out when a whole tour group of people walks in. so naturally all the parents and kids are staring at me sitting, alone, in the cabaret just looking at my computer.

and the tour guide is talking "this is a good place to just eat or hang out and to study. its generally pretty quiet so you can get a lot of work done"

and the whole tour group looks at me.

so i pause my "work" of watching the trailer for the 4th pirates of Caribbean and awkwardly wait for them to leave so i can listen to the rest of my video.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


So in recitation, my TA couldn't figure out how to work the board, so finally after like 20 mins of not being able to figure it out, he told the told the other TA "to call the Kremlin."

and our class is kinda like whaaaat? so we're kinda chuckling, and he's like "you know, like the Kremlin, cause the phones red!"

and we still are kinda like whaat is he talking about?? so we laugh harder.

so since we're laughing, hes all like "im glad im not alone in this joke" so we all laugh really hard cause hes still very much alone.

i dont like class

Friday, March 18, 2011

Window Seat

so in one of my recitations today i sat in front of the window. and this guy sitting directly across the room from me started staring out the window and sort of zoned out.

except since i was in front of the window, he was just starting directly at me. and i was kinda sleepy so i kept sort of falling asleep and id wake up and hed still be staring at me. this went on for about 20 minutes, and then he snapped out of it and asked about mormon mission trips.

so all was well.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


so today i was throwing on the quad, and i went to throw a long one, but the wind caught it and it flew towards these people who were sitting down.

and i sort of hit this lady. and she was holding a baby.

so i felt kinda bad about that.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hell-oh wait you dont know me..

so there was this dude in my c-tops group. and he was in my psych class last semester.

he does not know me. but i passed him today and i almost waved and said hi, but then i remembered that, still, he does not know me.

so i did not do that.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

All the Days!

So, the other day i was walking from class with my friend.
Eventually, i had to go one way, and she had to go the other, so as we split and started to walk separate ways she said something along the lines of "go have fun programming computers!"
so naturally (in my mind, anyway), i wanted to respond with something along the lines of "all day, every day!"

however, somehow i got confused between "all day, every day" and "all day long" so i ended up just saying "all the days!"
which ended awkwardly. with her kind of looking at me funny in silence for a moment until i was just like "bye!" and waved and walked away.
not only this, but i sort of stuttered while saying "all the days" since about halfway through i realized that was wrong, but it was too late to stop now, so it came out as "all the...d-days" and i said it pretty loud since we were walking away from each other.

so that went well.

Fun Times

Yep, this is happening.