Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dean Dome Directions

so i was walking down stadium drive the other day on my way back to my dorm, and i was kinda zoning out, but this car with a pre-teenage girl and her dad pulls into a parking spot in front of me.

and the girl gets my attention, so i stop. and she pulls out a piece of paper and asks me how to get to the "Jea-Dean Smith Basketball Arena"

and it takes me a moment to realize what shes talking about, so i just kinda stare at her and her dad for a moment.

and then i asked if she meant the Dean Dome, to which she said that she did, in fact mean the Dean Dome.

however, zoned out me forgets where this is in relation to where I am at the moment. so i stare at the two of them for just long enough for all three of us to feel uncomfortable.

finally i remember how to direct them to get there from stadium, and i tell them to just go down the road and turn right and such.

and the dad asks if they can walk there, so naturally, being on campus without a car, i think this is a silly question-of course you CAN walk anywhere, silly, so i say yes.

but then he asks me how long it would take them, and having no concept of time or how long things take  im like i dont know, maybe like 10 or 20 minutes, which to some people is kind of a big difference, apparently.

so with that, i seem to have finished answering their questions, and they thank me, although they now look a little overwhelmed.

and as i walk away i hear the dad say "we should ask someone else"

yep.. its cool, ive only lived here for 18 and a half years so yeah, you should ask someone normal who will give you better directions.

1 comment:

  1. haha I laughed out loud in the middle of my class to this one. I suck at directions too
