Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Laundry Time

so i was walking down our hallway with my roommate on our way to do laundry. she forgot her onecard (money for laundry) so i waited while she went back to our room to go get it.

when the amount of time that i thought it would take her to walk to our room and back had elapsed and i heard footsteps i didnt bother to look up and see who it was, i just started talking to these footsteps and started to walk down the hall with them, since we were going to go do our laundry together, we should be going in the same direction!

about halfway through my sentence (which was "im debating whether or not i want to just go ahead and...") i decided to look up, at which point, i realized that i was not actually talking to my roommate, i was walking with and talking to a random girl walking down the hallway. so i trailed off really slowly, and looked around the hallway to see if anyone else had witnessed this. thankfully, this girl felt as awkward as i did and avoided eye contact when i looked up.

ah, dorm lyfe.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Meet and Greet in Spanish

whilst introducing ourselves in spanish class today, we split up into groups of 3 where we would ask each other questions to get to know each other.. sooo

dude (in spanish): "so, what are your other hobbies besides playing frisbee?"
me (in spanish) : loooong pause "......nothing, really....."
dude: *judging look, followed by awkward silence, where we all tried to think of random questions to change the subject away from my very one-dimensional life; and since i left him absolutely nothing to ask me any follow up questions about*

i probably have the most boring life ever in the eyes people who don't play frisbee.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Meeting New Hall Mates

so i had just come back from doing a workout and i was walking down my hall, and the room next to me has about 20 guys and girls just standing in it, talking. being me, i gave them all an awkward head nod/half smile thing and walked into my room, where i got a towel and soap and shampoo and things so i could shower.

when i walk out and by the room again this girl stops me and is like "hey!!" so i was like "hey..." and then she looks at me--i am super sweaty and carrying my towel and shower things--and proceeds to ask me "do you live on this hall?", i just walked into the room right next to you, stole a towel, soap and shampoo and am going to nonchalantly take a shower in this dorm where i don't live, nbd... "yeah, i do"

"thats so cool!! i live right down the hall i'm diana" and then she looked at me like she wanted to shake my hand, but then realized that i was holding a towel cause it wasn't exactly the most ideal time to have a "welcome to the dorm" conversation so she sort of looked at me awkwardly as i hesitantly said my name really slowly.

meanwhile, the whole room full of people is silently listening to my answers to this girl, and after this last exchange they are all staring at both of us as we decide what to do next.

after a moment of awkwardly staring at each other im like "well im gonna go take a shower now, since i should probably do that.." and i sort of wave my soap and shampoo as a good bye to the whole room of people who sort of wave bye to me also..

im really looking forward to more interactions with people who think its not awkward to stop someone on their way to the shower and ask them lots of questions in front of large groups of strangers. should be a good year.

Krispy Kreme and Airports

carrying 2 boxes of 2 dozen donuts around an airport gets you very weird looks and awkward comments from TSA agents about "carrying precious cargo with you on your flight today, huh?" and "you gonna eat all of those??" as well as many judgmental stares.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Cars and Stoplights

so yesterday i was driving through campus and i stopped at a stoplight. the passenger of the car next to me looked over at the same time that i did and we made eye contact. and i looked away, but then i realized that it was one of my friends older sisters.

and so we both looked back again and smiled and waved really excitedly at each other, and im pretty sure that she mouthed "how are you?" but i wasnt 100% sure so i kind of just grinned at her some more.

but then we were sort of stuck cause both of our windows were up and we had already exhausted all of our communication as we had already waved and smiled, plus the light was still red and we dont really know each other well enough to make it not awkward.

so then i pretended to be fascinated with the view out the other side of the car and notice nonexistent spots and things on the ceiling of my car. which might have only made things worse, but thankfully the light turned green and i could then be a good driver and focus very very hard on the road and not the car next to me.