Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Joggin and Fives

i was running down franklin tonight and i was passing a homeless man who started to wave when we were in close proximity. it was one of those greetings where he just lifted his hand, and since my mind is always programmed for high fives, i went for the high five.
but then pulled his hand away right before contact and i nearly hit him in the face as i ran by. i tried to make it seem like i was just waving, but he totally i just kept running.

note to self: homeless men usually dont just go for high fives while you are running by, so do not try to high five them. same is true for strangers in general... life lessons.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Halloween 2012

i acquired a tiger onesie for halloween, and decided to wear it to class all day on halloween under my sweatshirt.

in my first class i took off my sweatshirt and was wearing the onesie and taking notes when my teacher asks who is going to franklin street that night. so i raised my hand and she asked me what i was going to be, and i said "this" and gestured to myself. she asked me to stand up and show the class, so i got up and stood in the row in the middle of my classroom.

then, she chooses to inquire: "tell us a little about yourself"

not knowing what direction to go with this i freeze and think of every possible way to answer this question:
do i tell my whole life story and waste a class period? do i just say my name? do i tell her my plans for the evening? do i tell her what my major is? do i explain how i came into possession of a tiger onesie? do i tell her that i ate a piece of pie for breakfast today and that it was extremely delicious? do i say a few key features? what are my key features? DO I EVEN HAVE KEY FEATURES?? OH MY GOODNESS WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE??

im freaking out so i decide, for some reason, just to say "i am a tiger." and immediately sit back down.

crisis averted.